My Top 5 Favourite American Horror Story Characters

I absolutely adore American Horror Story and I have recently started watching the fifth series of the show. And I’ve also been thinking about the previous series and reminiscing on all the amazing times. So I’m going to share my top 5 favourite characters from the first four series of American Horror Story! I won’t be including any Jessica Lange purely because she would use up four out of five of these spots. These are in no particular order and make sure to comment some of your favourites below!

1) Moira O’Hara from Murder House
I didn’t actually like many of the characters in the first series but the one main character who I loved was Moira (I also really liked Nora but anyway…) Moira is such a complicated character – especially because we get to see almost two different characters within Moira – and one that I thing deserved a bit more screen time. She is such a strong and passionate and determined character that you can’t help admire and love her. She goes through such trauma and despair in her life but she still lives her life to the fullest and I love her. And Alexandra Breckenridge and Frances Conroy are both amazing actresses!

2) Lana Winters from Asylum
Where do I start with Lana Banana? I absolutely loved Asylum and Lana is basically the entire reason why. Firstly, she is so freaking strong-willed and independent and ambitious and is not afraid of what people think of her and does whatever the heck she wants. Secondly, she’s a lesbian and a lot of her character development and plot explores how her sexuality was treated back in the 60s. How she manages to endure what she is put though in this series and emerge on the other side is beyond me. Thirdly, she is absolutely hilarious and full of fabulous one-liners which you just want to put on a t-shirt. Lana is the ultimate girl boss and I adore her. She is also played by Sarah Paulson who is one of my favourite actresses!

3) Cordelia Foxx from Coven
Oh look, another Sarah Paulson character! Cordelia, in my opinion, is one of the most underrated characters in the entire AHS universe. She manages to protect a bunch of angsty, teenage witches and also teach them to become amazingly powerful witches. She also manages to keep her grace and dignity throughout the series and is the one of the kindest, most dedicated and compassionate characters in this messed up show. But, that doesn’t mean that she lets people walk all over her and isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes in.

4) Madison Montgomery from Coven
Madison is definitely not one of the most likable characters in this show – she’s arrogant and rude and selfish – but I still think she is a fantastic character. She’s strong-willed and independent and is never afraid to be herself and voice her true opinions. She also has great self-confidence and believes in herself and her own abilities. She also goes through a lot of development and turns into a character who is much more caring and aware of other people. I think Emma Roberts does a fabulous of showing her arrogant and cocky personality.

5) Jimmy Darling from Freak Show
AHS has some fabulous strong female characters but I couldn’t ignore Jimmy. I feel like his personality is sometimes overlooked just because the very attractive Evan Peters plays him. But if you put his looks aside, he is actually a very determined, strong-willed and honorable character. He is so caring and supportive of his friends and his family. He has to endure some pretty hard stuff because of his disability and people’s stigma surrounding him so that takes some guts to be able to stand up to people the way he does.
