My TV Listings | August 2016

The month of August is usually the month in which I do most of my binge watching of some of my absolute favourite shows and that’s what I’ve been doing this month.

Criminal Minds

I’m still loving this show! I’m currently half way through series 4 and there have been a number of massive reveals regarding the characters and I’m loving seeing the slow and deliberate character development that is unfolding. This is a perfect example of something where I want to watch all the episodes right this second because it’s so good but I also don’t because then I will have seen it all and also because I know it will be very emotional and traumatic. I already know of one spoiler for series 5 that I am not looking forward to. Not in the slightest.


I’m about a third of the way through the third series and holy cow! There has been so many changes and plot twists so far this series that I can hardly keep up! I am loving where the plot is going though and I absolutely adore the new character of Queen Elizabeth. I am very intrigued to see where this show is going to go in its future episodes!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

I’m almost finished watching all the episodes that are currently out of this show and that makes me very sad, although there is a new series coming soon. It is just the perfect show to watch when I am in the mood for a pick-me up because it is hilarious. I love all the characters and their contrasting and diverse characters and this is a perfect show to binge watch.

Devious Maids

I’m finally all caught up on all four series of this show, and it’s been one heck of a ride. Every series has focused on different aspects of the characters lives and we’ve seen them grow and develop over the four series. This show is action-packed and full of suspense and twists and turns, but it is also very funny and I love the sarcastic banter between the characters. There’s also some great – but rather complicated – romantic sub-plots and I especially love the solid female friendships.

Only Connect

My favourite quiz show is back! Yay! But this is definitely one of those quizzes where you might just know one or two of the answers and, if you do answer correctly, you automatically get bragging rights for the next week and it makes you feel a whole lot more intelligent. I also adore Victoria Coren-Mitchell, the host, because she’s so funny and clever and witty but still remains modest and caring.

A Young Doctor’s Notebook

I’m willing to watch pretty much anything with Daniel Radcliffe in, but I wasn’t really expecting much coming into this show. However, this show had me in fits of laughter for practically the entire 25 minutes per episode thanks to the banter between the young and older doctor. This show also gives a lot of insight into the medical world at the beginning of the twentieth century. The two series only consist of eight episodes and while I may only be two episodes in, I know that I’m going to really enjoy the rest of this show.

Rio 2016 Olympics

Who hasn’t been watching the Olympics? I always look forward to watching the gymnastics but this year I’ve also been enjoying seeing the swimming and equestrian events. I always like watching the Olympics, not only because I feel a spark of patriotic pride but also because I like seeing the comradery between the athletes as well as the humour and personality that the commentators bring to the whole event.

American Horror Story: Hotel

I’ve loved the previous series of American Horror Story and I knew that it was time I watched the most recent series before the 6th came out. This is definitely the goriest series of American Horror Story yet and definitely the weirdest and wackiest in my opinion. As per usual, I loved Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters and their characters because they Sally and Mr. March were both so original and engaging and complex characters to watch. However, the majority of this series seemed to be delving into a characters backstory rather than the characters actively pursuing a plot.

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